学习内容 >> 第十一章 >> 课文讲解
Text A


A lot of people watch movies or films in their spare time. There are many kinds of films: cartoon, horror, comedy, historical, adventure films and so on. Some people like watching affectional films. This kind of movies is basically a love story. Some enjoy fantasy films, such as the Harry potter series and Jurassic Park. They are full of computer-generated effects. Most children are fond of cartoons like those Disney ones. Now people usually stay at home and watch films on TV programs, VCDs or DVDs.

Exercises for Text A

I. 根据课文回答下列问题。

1. What do a lot of people do in their spare time?

2. How many kinds of films do you know of? Say some of them.

3. What kinds of films is basically a love story?

4. What are fantasy films full of?

5. What kind of films do most children love?

6. Where do people usually watch films now 


1. A lot of people watch movies in their spare time.

2. There are fantasy, historical, cartoon, horror films and so on.

3. Affectional film is basically a love story.

4. They are full of computer-generated effects.

5. Most children love cartoons such as a Disney one.

6. People usually stay at home and watch films on TV program, VCDs or DVDs now.


II. 将下列短语译成英语。

1.许多            2.在业余时间

3.很多种           4.……等等

5.充满……          6.呆在家里


1. a lot of        2. in one’s spare time

3. many kinds of     4. and so on

5. be full of       6. stay (at ) home


What Do You Like to Do at Leisure?

Bill: What do you like to do at your leisure?

Sam: I like going online.

Bill: What do you often do on the Internet?

Sam: All kinds of things. I love chatting, playing games, reading newspapers or sending e-mails to my friends. I’m crazy about it.

Bill: Really? I don’t like it. It is not boring, but just a waste of time.

Sam: Then what’s your hobby?

Bill: I like bungee jumping.

Sam: It’s too dangerous.

Bill: Yes, but it’s very exciting.

Text B

A Young Couple

Both Jane and Lorry, a young couple, dislike doing housework. Except for this, they have nothing in common.

Jane loves staying at home reading books or watching TV. She is very interested in soap operas and chat shows. She always laughs and cries with the characters in TV programs.

Lorry, on the other hand, is an outgoing person. He is fond of singing and dancing in public. He prefers chatting with friends to watching TV. He often goes home very late in the evening, so they often quarrel with each other.

Do you have any good ideas about how to help them?

Exercises for Text B

I. 根据课文辨正(T)误(F)。

1. Both Jane and Lorry dislike cooking. (  )

2. Jane likes watching sports on TV. (  )

3. Jane loves soap operas very much. (  )

4. Lorry always stays at home. (  )

5. Lorry prefers watching TV to chatting with friends. (  )

1.T  2.F  3.T  4.F  5.F


II. 将下列短语译成英语。







1. have…in common   2. be interested in

3. on the other hand    4. an outgoing person

5. in public       6. each other


一般现在时(present tense)




a. 一般情况下加-s。例如:work---works, live---lives

b. 在ss, sh, ch, x, o后面加-es。 例如:dress---dresses, wash---washes, teach---teaches, go---goes

c. 以辅音字母+y 结尾的动词,先变y i,再加-es。例如:study---studies, carry---carries

d. 以元音字母+y 结尾的动词直接加-s。例如:play---plays, enjoy---enjoys



I listen to the radio every morning.(我每天早上听收音机。)

She often goes to bed very late.(她经常很晚睡觉。)

He likes gardening very much.(他很喜欢园艺。)


My brother studies hard.(我兄弟学习努力。)

He speaks good English.(他英语说得好。)


The earth goes round the sun.(地球围绕太阳转。)

Practice makes perfect.(熟能生巧。)

3.动词be 采用一般现在时的肯定句、(一般)疑问句和否定句




I am a student.

Are you a student?

I am not a student.

You are a student.

Are you a student?

You aren’t a student.

He / She is a student.

Is he/she a student?

He / She isn’t a student.

We are students.

Are we students?

We aren’t students.

You are students.

Are you students?

You aren’t students.

They are students.

Are they students?

They aren’t students.



一般疑问句 dodoes + 主语 + 动词原形

否定句   主语 + do not/don’t does not/ doesn’t + 动词原形




I work hard.

Do you work hard?

I don’t work hard.

You work hard.

Do you work hard?

You don’t work hard.

He/She works hard.

Does he/she work hard?

He/She doesn’t work hard.

We work hard.

Do we work hard?

We don’t work hard.

You work hard.

Do you work hard?

You don’t work hard.

They work hard.

Do they work hard?

They don’t work hard.


5.动词have 一般现在时的人称变化

I      have

we     have

you     have

you    have

he/she/it   has

they    have