学习内容 >> 第十六章 >> 朗读翻译
Text A 课文A

A Special Christmas Present 一份特殊的礼物

David wanted to buy a Christmas present for a very special person, his mother. David’s father gave him $5.00 as pocket money each week and David put $2.00 into his bank account. Three months later David Drew $20.00 out of his bank account and went to the shopping mall. He looked about for a perfect gift.

Suddenly he saw a beautiful brooch in the shape of his favorite pet. He said to himself, “Mother loves jewelry, and the brooch costs only $17.00. He bought the brooch and took it home. He wrapped the present in beautiful paper and put it under the Christmas tree. He was very excited because he was looking forward to Christmas Day to see joy on his mother’s face.

But when his mother opened the present, she screamed with fright because she saw a “spider”.

Vocabulary 词汇

special n. 特别的

Christmas n. 圣诞节

dollar ($) 元

pocket n. 口袋

money n. 钱

account n. 帐;账户

perfect a. 完美的

suddenly ad. 突然

brooch n. 胸针

himself pron. 他自己

jewelry n. 珠宝

paper n. 纸;报纸;证件

under prep. 在……下面

excited a. 激动的; 高兴的

forward ad. 将来

joy n. 快乐

face n. 脸

scream v. 尖叫

fright n. 害怕;恐惧

spider n. 蜘蛛

Proper names 专业名词

David 大卫(男子名)


Dialogue 对话

Guess a Birthday Gift

Bill: I made a birthday gift for you yesterday. Guess what it is!

Sam: What color is it?

Bill: Green and yellow.

Sam: So what shape is it?

Bill: Rectangular.

Sam:And, uh, how big is it?

Bill: Oh, about 30 centimeters wide and 80 centimeters long.

Sam: Really? And what’s it made of ?

Bill: Cotton. And you use it every day.

Sam: Oh, I know! It’s a…

Bill: See you at your birthday party next week, Sam. Bye!

Vocabulary 词汇

guess v. 

made (make的过去式)制造

rectangular a. 长方形的;矩形的

centimeter n. 厘米

wide a. 宽的

long a. 长的

really ad. 真正地

cotton n. 棉;棉花

party n. 聚会


Text B 课文B

Father’s Day 父亲节


Mrs. Reed said to her daughter Susan, “Don’t forget, Susan, tomorrow’s father’s Day.

“Oh, my goodness,” said Susan, “I don’t have a gift for Dad. What should I do?”

“I don’t know,” said Mrs. Reed, “that’s always a problem. Why not go to the shopping mall and try to find something?”

Susan hurried to the shopping center and went into a menswear store. She had $3.00. She said to herself, “I should get for him something to wear. No, he needs something to use.”

“Can I help you?” the shop assistant asked.

“Yes, please. I want a gift for my father, but I don’t know what to get.”

“How about a nice shirt?” asked the shop assistant.

“No, I only have $3.00,” said Susan.

Then she saw a beautiful red-and-white tie. But it looked very expensive. “That’s about $10.00,”she said to herself.

“How much is this red-and-white tie?” she asked.

The shop assistant looked at her, and then looked at the tie. He took off the price tag and said, “That’s exactly $3.00.”

“Oh, fine,” said Susan, “this is a perfect gift.”

Vocabulary 词汇

forget v. 忘记

tomorrow n. 明天

goodness n. [表示惊讶]天哪;啊呀

should v. 应该

problem n. 问题

try v. 试

hurry v. 匆忙

had (have的过去式)有

something pron. 某事;某物

assistant n. 助手

use v. 使用

ask v. 问

tie n. 领带

herself pron. 她自己

price n. 价格

tag n./v. 标签;贴标签

exactly ad. 恰恰;正好