学习内容 >> 第十二章 >> 课文讲解
Text A

Food and Drink 饮食

On weekdays I’m always in a hurry to go to work, so I usually have a light breakfast. I have bread and milk and some orange juice. It is a healthy breakfast and is quite good for me. At weekends I always make pancakes for breakfast. I love pancakes with a lot of jam or butter and honey. I take my own lunch-box to work, so I rarely buy anything at the canteen. I usually take a sandwich and sometimes I also have some pieces of fruit and a bar of chocolate. In the evening, my family are at home and we have dinner together. We have a square meal of roast chicken and rice, or steak and vegetables, but I never eat potatoes because I dislike them. There are always some salads. On Saturday or Sunday evenings, my family usually eat out.

Exercises for Text A

I. 根据课文回答下列问题。

1.What does the author (作者) have for breakfast during the week?

2. What does he have for breakfast at weekends?

3. What kind of pancakes does he like?

4. What does he have for lunch?

5. Where does he have his dinner?

6. What does he have for dinner?

7. Where do his family eat on Saturday or Sunday evenings?


1. He has bread and milk and some orange juice.

2. At weekends he always makes pancakes for breakfast.

3. He loves pancakes with a lot of jam or butter and honey.

4. He takes his own lunch-box to work. He usually takes a sandwich and sometimes he also has some pieces of fruit and a bar of chocolate.

5. He has dinner at home with his family.

6. He has a square meal of roast chicken and rice or steak and vegetables, and there is always some salad.

7. On Saturday or Sunday evenings the family usually eat out.


II. 将下列短语译成英语。

1.急急忙忙地         2.橘子汁

3.做煎饼           4.一块巧克力

5.在家            6.吃顿大餐


1. in a hurry         2. orange juice

3. make pancakes / a pancake  4. a bar / piece of chocolate

5. at home         6. have a square meal


Ordering Food

(In a restaurant)

Waiter: Can I help you?

Tom: Yes. Can I have the menu, please?

Waiter: Certainly, here you are.

Tom: Thank you, I’d like steak, a hamburger, chips and salads, please.

Waiter: What would you like to drink?

Tom: A cup of coffee, please.

Waiter: (Returning with the food ) Here you are. Enjoy your meal.

Tom: Thank you.

Waiter: Anything else.

Tom: No, thanks.

(An hour later)

Tom: I’d like the bill, please.

Waiter: It’s $17.50.

Tom: Here you are. Keep the change.

Waiter: Thank you. Have a nice day.

Tom: Bye.

Waiter: Bye.

Text B

Harry’s Diet 哈里的食谱

Harry is very fat and his health is not good. He has to follow the instructions of his doctor.

He has to lose weight. He must eat very little. He can’t have the regular bread or eggs for breakfast. For lunch, he can’t have fried chicken or chips. And for dinner, he has to eat fish and vegetables. He has to do exercises everyday. Before work, he has to walk one mile. He swims or runs two miles a day. He goes to the fitness club twice a week. He hopes to keep fit and have standard shape in this way.

Exercises for Text B

I. 根据课文辨正(T)误(F)。

1. Harry is fat, so he mustn’t eat much. (  )

2. Harry doesn’t have to do exercises every day.(  )

3. Harry goes to the fitness club every day. (  )

4. He eats fish and vegetables for dinner now. (  )

5. Harry’s shape is standard. (  )

1.T  2.F  3.F  4.T  5.F


II. 用正确的动词填空。

1. Harry __________very fast.

2. Harry ___________to lose weight.

3. He can’t _____________ sugar (糖) or meat for dinner.

4. He ____________ exercises every morning.

5. Don’t _____________ too much sugar. It can make you fat.

6. He usually _____________ to the fitness club.

1. is      2. has / wants / hopes

3. have / eat   4. does

5. have / eat   6. goes


III. 将下列短语译成英语。









1. lose weight   2. in this way

3. have to     4. fish and vegetables

5. fried food    6. have standard shape

7. twice a week  8. keep fit


I. 频度副词

频度副词是表示动作、状态和事情的完成、持续和重复的副词。如:often,usually,sometimes 等。频度副词一般放在行为动词前面或情态动词、助动词或 be 动词的后面。如:

She sometimes goes there on business.(她有时到那里出差。)

The woman never comes to see her son.(那个女人从不来看她儿子。)

He is always late for class.(他上课总是迟到。)

She doesn’t often speak English.(她不常说英语。)


always → usually → often → sometimes →rarely → never

II. 不可数名词

不可数名词指不可计数的名词,如肉类、液体等。这类名词前面一般不能加不定冠词 a,an,本身也没有复数形式。当要表示“一个”或“几个”这类概念时,需要用 a piece of 这类定语。如:

a piece of paper 一张纸

a cup of coffee 一杯咖啡

two pieces of bread 两片面包

three cups of water 三杯水

a bar of chocolate 一块巧克力

不可数名词前可用 some,any 等词表示不定数量的“一些”的概念。some 通常用于肯定句,any 通常用于否定句和疑问句。如:

Do you have any water?(你有水吗?)

Yes, I have(some).(是的,我有。)

There is some coffee in the cup.(杯子里有一些咖啡。)

III. 动词have 的用法

1.have 作为及物动词,意思是“有;拥有”:

(1)have/has 用现在时的疑问句有两种构成形式。即:

动词 have/has 位于句首。如:

Have you a car? (你有车吗?)

或助动词 do/does 位于句首。如:

Does he have a car?(他有车吗?)

(2)have/has 现在时的否定句可用 have not(haven’t)/has not(hasn’t) 的形式,也可在前面加 do not (don’t)/does not (doesn’t)。例如:

I have not a car.I don’t have a car.(我没有车。)

have nothas not 在口语中常缩略合为 haven’thasn’t

动词 have 常和 got 连用,语意和 have 相同,多用于会话,可用 I’v got 代替 I have。 如: I’ve got an interesting book.= I have an interesting book.


2.have 可用作行为动词构成很多习惯用语。如:

have a rest (休息)

have a look (看一看)

这些习惯用语在否定句和疑问句中须用助动词 do/does

Do you have supper at 6? Yes, I do. (你六点种吃晚餐吗?是的。)

Does he have coffee after dinner? No, he doesn’t.(他饭后喝咖啡吗?不,他不喝。)