学习内容 >> 第十二章 >> 朗读翻译
Text A 课文A

Food and Drink 饮食

On weekdays I’m always in a hurry to go to work, so I usually have a light breakfast. I have bread and milk and some orange juice. It is a healthy breakfast and is quite good for me. At weekends I always make pancakes for breakfast. I love pancakes with a lot of jam or butter and honey. I take my own lunch-box to work, so I rarely buy anything at the canteen. I usually take a sandwich and sometimes I also have some pieces of fruit and a bar of chocolate. In the evening, my family are at home and we have dinner together. We have a square meal of roast chicken and rice, or steak and vegetables, but I never eat potatoes because I dislike them. There are always some salads. On Saturday or Sunday evenings, my family usually eat out.

Vocabulary 词汇

food n. 事物

drink n. 饮料

during prep. 在……期间

so ad. 于是;所以

quick a. 迅速的;快的

milk n. 牛奶

orange n. 橘子;橙子

juice n. 果汁

health n. 健康

pancake n. 煎饼

jam n. 果酱

butter n. 黄油;奶油

honey n. 蜂蜜;蜜糖

own a. 个人的;自己的

lunch-box n. 午餐盒

buy v. 购买

anything pron. 任何事物

canteen n. 饮食部;餐厅

fruit n. 水果

chocolate n. 巧克力

dinner n. 晚餐;正餐

together ad. 一起;共同

square a. 充足的

meal n. 餐;饮食

roast a. 烤过的

chicken n. 鸡;鸡肉

rice a. 米饭

steak n. (供煎、烤等用的)的肉块、鱼块

vegetable n. 蔬菜

potato n. 土豆

salad n. 色拉;(凉拌菜)

Saturday n. 星期六

Sunday n. 星期天

evening n. 夜晚;晚上

Dialogue 对话

Ordering Food

(In a restaurant)

Waiter: Can I help you?

Tom: Yes. Can I have the menu, please?

Waiter: Certainly, here you are.

Tom: Thank you, I’d like steak, a hamburger, chips and salads, please.

Waiter: What would you like to drink?

Tom: A cup of coffee, please.

Waiter: (Returning with the food ) Here you are. Enjoy your meal.

Tom: Thank you.

Waiter: Anything else.

Tom: No, thanks.

(An hour later)

Tom: I’d like the bill, please.

Waiter: It’s $17.50.

Tom: Here you are. Keep the change.

Waiter: Thank you. Have a nice day.

Tom: Bye.

Waiter: Bye.

Vocabulary 词汇

order v. 订(餐);订购

restaurant n. 餐厅

menu n. 菜单

certainly ad. 当然可以

'd like = would like 想要

chip n. [英]油炸土豆条;[美]土豆片

return v. 返回

else ad. 另外;其他

bill n. 帐单

dollar ($) n. 美元

keep v. 保留;保持

change n./v. 零钱

bye interj. 再见


Text B 课文B

Harry’s Diet 哈里的食谱


Harry is very fat and his health is not good. He has to follow the instructions of his doctor.

He has to lose weight. He must eat very little. He can’t have the regular bread or eggs for breakfast. For lunch, he can’t have fried chicken or chips. And for dinner, he has to eat fish and vegetables. He has to do exercises everyday. Before work, he has to walk one mile. He swims or runs two miles a day. He goes to the fitness club twice a week. He hopes to keep fit and have standard shape in this way.

Vocabulary 词汇

follow v. 听从;服从

instruction n.(常用复数instructions)命令;指示

lose v. 减少

weight n. 体重

must v. 必须

little ad. 小;少量

regular a. 平常

egg n. 

fried a. 油炸的

fish n. 鱼;鱼肉

fitness n. 健康;健身

club n. 俱乐部

twice ad. 两次

swim v. 游泳

run v. 

mile n. 英里

hope v. 希望

fit a. 健康的;合适的

standard a. 标准

shape n. 形状;体形

Proper names 专业名词

Harry 哈里(男名)