学习内容 >> 第十八章 >> 朗读翻译
Text A 课文A

Nasreddin and the Pot 纳斯雷丁和一个罐子的故事

One day Nasreddin borrowed a pot from his neighbor Ali. The next day he gave it back with another little pot inside.

“That’s not mine,” said Ali.

“Yes, it is ,” said Nasreddin, “Your pot had a baby last night.”

Some time later Nasreddin asked Ali to lend him a pot again. Ali agreed and wanted to receive two pots in return once again. However, days passed and Naserddin did not return the pot. Finally Ali lost patience and went to take it back.

“I’m sorry,” said Nasreddin, “I can’t give you back your pot. It died yesterday.”

“Died?” screamed Ali, “How can a pot die?”

“Well,” said Nasreddin, “your pot can have a baby. Why can’t it die?”

Vocabulary 词汇

wisdom n. 智慧;才智

pot n. 壶;罐;锅

borrow v. 借(来)

neighbor n. 邻居

brought (bring 的过去式) 带来

another pron. 另一(个)

last a. 最后的;刚过去的

later ad. 后来;以后

lend v. 借(出)

agree v. 同意

receive v. 收到;受到

however ad. 然而

pass v. 过去;传;递

lost (lose 的过去式) 失去

patience n. 耐心;忍耐

die v. 死亡

Proper names 专业名词

Nasreddin 纳斯雷丁(人名)

Ali 阿里(人名)

Dialogue 对话

There Is a Fly in My Soup!

Bill: Why didn’t you go to the party last night, Jane?

Jane: I always feel blue these days.

Bill: Don’t be like that, Jane. There is nothing to worry about. A laugh a day keeps the doctor away.

Jane: I know. But I just can’t control myself and stop it.

Bill: Let me tell you a joke. Maybe it is useful. One day, a man had dinner in a restaurant. Suddenly he saw a fly in his soup, so he screamed, “A fly! There’s a fly in my soup!” The waiter came quickly. Do you know what he said to the man?

Jane: No, I don’t know.

Bill: The waiter said, “Don’t shout, please, or others would come and ask for one, too.”

Jane: (Ha, ha, ha) How funny!

Bill: Now do you feel better?

Jane: Yes, thank you for your joke.

Bill: Remember that a laugh a day keeps the doctor away!

Vocabulary 词汇

fly n./v. 苍蝇;飞行

blue a. 沮丧的;忧郁的

worry v. 担心

away ad. 离;离开

stop v. 停止

joke n. 玩笑;笑话

shout v. 叫喊

or conj. 否则

would aux.v. 将会

funny a. 有趣的;好玩的

better a. 较好;好一些

remember v. 记住;记得

Text B 课文B

Nasreddin Went Shopping 纳斯雷丁买东西


One day Nasreddin went to town to buy new clothes. First he tried on a pair of trousers. He didn’t like the trousers, so he gave them back to the shopkeeper. Then he tried a robe. It was priced the same as the pair of trousers. Nasreddin was pleased with the robe, so he took the robe and left the shop. Before he climbed onto his donkey to ride home, the shopkeeper and the shop assistant ran out.

“You didn’t pay for the robe,” said the shopkeeper.

“But I gave you the trousers in exchange for the robe, didn’t I?” replied Nasreddin.

“Yes, but you didn’t pay for the trousers either!” said the shopkeeper.

“But I didn’t buy the trousers,” replied Nasreddin, “If I don’t buy anything, I’m not so stupid as to pay for it.”

Vocabulary 词汇

town n. 城镇

clothes n.(pl.) 衣服(复数)

tried (try 的过去式)试

pair n. 一双;一条(裤子)

trousers n. 裤子

shopkeeper n. 店主

robe n. 长袍

price v. 定价

stupid a. 愚蠢的

climb v. 爬;攀登

donkey n. 驴子

ran (run 的过去式) 跑

paid (pay 的过去式) 付钱

exchange n. 交换

replied (reply 的过去式) 回答;答复

either conj. [用于否定词或否定词组后]也

pleased a. 高兴的

left (leave 的过去式) 离开