学习内容 >> 第十四章 >> 课文讲解
Text A

The penguins

I’m Peter Penguin. Fanny Penguin is my wife. Most of the time we live in the water. It is as cold as in an icebox. We can only see snow and ice in our world, but it is not all white. There are other colors, too. Sometimes the ice looks green, or blue just like the color of the sky. In summer the sun shines all the time. We have no night at all. Then comes our winter. It is at night all the time. We eat shellfish from the sea. We ride on big pieces of ice. We can’t fly, but we can swim very fast. Every winter we go back to the land. Fanny lays two eggs each time. Then she must go back to the sea to find some food. I look after the eggs. Soon we have two babies. We are happy to see each other again.

Exercises for Text A

I. 根据课文回答下列问题。

1. Where do the Penguins live?

2. What can they see?

3. What’s the color of the ice?

4. What don’t they have in summer?

5. What don’t they have in winter?

6. What do they eat?

7. Can they fly?

8. Who lays eggs in the family?

9. Who looks after the eggs?


1. They live in the water.

2. They can only see snow and ice there.

3. The ice is most often white, but sometimes it is green, or blue just like the color of the sky.

4. They have no night in summer.

5. They have no daytime in winter.

6. They eat shellfish from the sea.

7. No, they can’t.

8. The wife lays eggs in the family.

9. The husband looks after the eggs.


II. 将下列短语译成英语。








1.look after       2.big pieces of ice

3.go back to      4.lay eggs

5.the color of the sky   6.as cold as


How About a Bird?

David: Hello, Mike.

Mike: Hello, David.

David: Have you got a pet?

Mike: Yes, I have a dog. Its name is Alvin. It’s very lovely. I take it for a walk every day. Do you keep any pets?

David: No, I don’t. Can you give me any advice?

Mike: How about a cat?

David: A cat? H’m…no, I don’t like cats. We can’t take a cat for a walk.

Mike: Then how about a parrot Parrots are beautiful and they can talk with you, too.

David: Ok. I’ll follow your advice.

Text B


Silk is useful and beautiful. It comes from the cocoons of silkworms.

Silkworms change a lot as they grow up. They grow over four stages, and they look quite different at each stage. First it is an egg. The egg hatches into a caterpillar. The caterpillar eats, grows and bursts out of its skin a few times. Then it spins long slender threads and winds the threads around its body to make a cocoon. It goes to sleep in this cocoon. The silkworm is now a chrysalis. In the cocoon the chrysalis changes into a moth. The moth finally breaks through its cocoon to enter the last stage of its life as an insect.

Many silkworms do not live to become moths. To get silk, people put the cocoons in hot water and kill the chrysalises inside the cocoons. Every yard of silk means the death of thousands of silkworms in the chrysalis stage.

Exercises for Text B

I. 根据课文回答下列问题。

1. Does silk come from the body of an insect?

2. How many stages are there in the life of a silkworm?

3. When does the silkworm change from a chrysalis into a butterfly?

4. Why do people kill the chrysalises?

5. What do they use to kill the chrysalises?

6. Why do you think they let some of the chrysalises become moths?

7. Which comes first, the caterpillar or the moth?

8. What is the thread from the cocoons made into(制成)?


1. No, it doesn’t. It comes from the cocoon of silkworm.

2. There are four stages in the life of a silkworm.

3. When in the cocoon, the silkworm changes from a chrysalis into a moth.

4. People kill the chrysalises to get silk.

5. They put the cocoon in hot water to kill them.

6. They let some of the chrysalises become moths to reproduce more silkworms.

7. The caterpillar comes first.

8. The thread from the cocoon is made into silk.


II. 根据课文选择最佳答案完成下列句子。

1. A moth is_________.

a. an egg    b. a caterpillar    c. an insect

2. The life of a silkworm has__________ stages.

a. four     b. three     c. many

3. People kill the chrysalises inside the cocoons with __________.

a. poison (毒药)   b. cold water   c. hot water

4. Each yard of silk means the death of ___________ silkworms.

a. a few    b. thousands of   c. a hundred

5. Silk is from ____________ .

a. butterflies    b. cocoons    c. trees


1.c  2.a  3.c  4.b  5.b


III. 写出下列名词的复数形式。

1. cocoon cocoons

2. stage stages

3. moth moths

4. silkworm silkworms

5. egg eggs

6. chrysalis   chrysalises


IV. 将下列短语译成英语。

1.在……一生中 in the life of ...

2.成千的  thousands of

3.蜕皮 burst out of one’s skin

4.利用…… by the use of …

5.变成…… change into…

6.作为昆虫 as an insect


I. 单位词(unit noun)的用法


a glass of water 一杯水

a set of books 一套书


a bar of chocolate 一块巧克力(以形状表示个数)

a piece of bread 一块面包(一般性的表示个数)

a cup of coffee 一杯咖啡(表示容积)

a pair of trousers/shoes/glasses/scissors (表示成双)

II. 表示数量概念的词的用法( use of determiner expressing quantity)

many / much/ a lot of 的用法





He hasn’t much money.(他没有多少钱。)



Many guidebooks offer travelers useful information.(许多旅游手册给旅客提供有用的信息。)

a lot of/ lots of


There is a lot of water in the bottle. (这个瓶子里有很多水。)

There are a lot of computers in the office.(这间办公室里有很多电脑。)

a few / a little / few / little 的用法



a few


There are a few mistakes in his composition.(他的作文中有少量错误。)

a little


I can speak a little English.(我能讲点英语。)



He is a man of few words. (他是个沉默寡言的人。)



I know little French.(我不懂多少法语。)

all,both,every,either,neither,any 的用法







1.John and Roger are of the same age. Both of them are 26.(约翰和罗杰一样大。他们两个都是26岁。)

2. You can take either of the books.(两本书里你可任选一本。)

3. Neither of the twins likes music.(这对双胞胎都不喜欢音乐。)

4. Give me all of these three books. I want all of them.(三本书都给我。我都要。)

5. Give me any of these three books. Any of them is OK.(三本书给我哪一本都可以。哪一本都行。)

III. 零冠词的用法





I can speak English and Chinese. (我会说英语和汉语。)


Let’s take him to hospital.(让我们带他去医院看病。

I’d like steak and chocolate, please.(请给我牛排和巧克力。)

My sister is still at school.(我妹妹还在上学。)

go to bed (去上床睡觉)go by bus (乘汽车去)

on foot (步行)at home (在家)

go online (上网)


If winter comes, can spring be far behind? (冬天到了,春天还会远吗?)

Our summer vacation is from July to August.(我们的暑假是从七月到八月。)

We have no class on Friday.(我们星期五没有课。)


China is my motherland.(中国是我的祖国。)


Tian’anmen Square (天安门广场)

Time (《时代》周刊)

Hyde Park (海德公园)


Her fortieth birthday is in 2009.(她的40岁生日在2009年。)


What do you want to have for breakfast? (你早饭想吃什么?)

Dinner is ready.(晚饭准备好了。)