学习内容 >> 第十三章 >> 朗读翻译
Text A 课文A

Travel 旅游

Today many people enjoy traveling. People travel to see the sight, or to relax, or to meet different people.

People can choose their favorite places to go and means of transport to travel in many ways. The travel industry offers a lot of nice services for the convenience and comfort of travelers. Travel guidebooks advise visitors what to see, wear and buy, which restaurant and hotels to go. Tourist offices of nations, states and cities list important sights for people to visit. Now people can travel almost any place in the world, even the outer space.

Vocabulary 词汇

sight n. 风景;名胜

relax v. 放松

choose v. 选择

favorite a. 最喜欢的

means n. 方式;手段

transport n. 交通;运输

industry n. 产业

offer v. 提供

service n. 服务

convenience n. 方便

comfort n. 舒适

traveller n. 旅行者

guidebook n. (旅行)指南或手册

advise v. 建议

visitor n. 参观者;来访者

wear v. 穿

hotel n. 旅馆;饭店

tourist office 旅游部门

nation n. 国家

state n. 

list v. 列出

important a. 重要的

visit v. 参观;访问

almost ad. 几乎;将近

even ad. 甚至

outer a. 外面的

space n. 空间;太空


Dialogue 对话

An Interview about Travel

(This is an interview with Harry and Tim in the street by a reporter about travel on holidays.)

Reporter: Excuse me, do you travel on holidays?

Harry: Yes, of course.

Reporter: What do you think of travelling?

Harry: It’s interesting. I can relax and see many sights. Nature is so beautiful. The world is so lovely. I love them. Also I can meet a lot of people.

Reporter: Right.

(Then the reporter talks to Tim.)

Reporter: How about you? Do you like traveling, too?

Tim: No, never. You know, I’m not rich. Travelling always costs a lot of money.

Reporter: That’s true. What do you do for your holidays?

Tim: Well, I just stay at home.

Vocabulary 词汇

interview n. 采访

reporter n. 记者

holiday n. 假期;假日

think v. 想;思考

nature n. 大自然

lovely a. 可爱的


never ad. 从不;决不

know v. 知道

rich a. 富裕的

cost v. 花费

money n. 

well interj. 啊;哎呀(表示惊讶、安慰、无可奈


Text B 课文B

The White Rose Hotel 白玫瑰宾馆


If you want a different kind of holiday, go and stay at the White Rose Hotel in Paris. It is a hotel of five stories with seventy bedrooms. Each bedroom has got a bathroom, telephone, answer-phone, color TV and computer. There is a comfortable lobby on the ground floor for guests to relax in. On the first floor is a game room. The White Rose has got a large beautiful garden and three tennis courts.

Credit cards are accepted.

For more information contact June and Bill Smith, the White Rose Hotel, Paris, France.

Tel: 9876543

Fax: 3456543

Vocabulary 词汇

rose n. 玫瑰

story=storey n. (建筑物的)楼层

answer phone 电话应答机

lobby n. 大堂;前厅

ground n. 地面

guest n. 客人

tennis n. 网球

court n. (某些游戏的)场地

credit n. 信用

card n. 

more a. 更多的

information n. 信息

contact v. 联系


Proper names 专业名词

Paris 巴黎