学习内容 >> 第十五章 >> 朗读翻译
Text A 课文A

Shopping Malls 购物中心

Now millions of people do their shopping in shopping malls or malls all over the world. Malls contain supermarkets, large department stores and small shops. There are many clothes stores for men, women and children. Gift stores sell all kinds of things from cheap hairpins to expensive watches, even diamonds. There are also a lot of arts and crafts stores. It is a good idea to have a look at these stores. And there are some record stores around the corners. There you can buy discs or tapes of any hot star.

Shopping malls have other service, too. Health centers help people to stay in shape. Eating-places like hot dog stands or French restaurants are good places to have a rest. Malls have large cinemas. These cinemas show many hot films. Shopping malls can meet almost all of your needs.

Vocabulary 词汇

mall n. 购物中心

shopping mall 购物中心

million n. 百万

contain v. 包含

supermarket n. 超级市场

large a. 大的

department n. 部门

department store 百货商店

clothes n. 衣服

gift n. (=present)礼物

cheap a. 便宜的

hairpin n. 发夹

need n./v. 需要

expensive a. 昂贵的

diamond n. 钻石

arts and crafts 工艺品

record n. 录音;唱片

around prep. 在……周围

corner n. 角落

tape n. 音带

hot a. 热门的;流行的

star n. 明星

eating-place 就餐之地

stand n. (售货)摊

rest n. 休息


Dialogue 对话

In a Menswear Shop

(Bill goes into a menswear shop. He wants to buy a sweater for his father. S=sales assistant, B=Bill.)

S: Can I help you?

B: Yes, please. I’d like to buy a sweater for my father.

S: How about this plain brown one?

B: How much is it?

S: 400 yuan.

B: It’s very expensive, isn’t it?

S: Yes, it’s a bit. But I can give you a discount of 20%.

B: How about 280 yuan.

S: No, I’m sorry. I can only give you that discount.

B: OK. A deal.

Vocabulary 词汇

wear n./v. 衣着;穿的东西;穿戴

menswear 男装

plain n./a. 简洁的;朴素的

bit n. 一点点

bit n. 一点点

percent n. 百分比(%)

deal n. 交易


Text B 课文B

Shops in Britain 英国的商店


Most shops in Britain open at 9:00 a.m. and close at 5:00 or 5:30p.m. Small shops are usually closed for an hour at lunchtime. For one or two days a week some large food shops close at about 8:00p.m. for late shopping. The day is usually Thursday or Friday, or both Thursday and Friday.

Many shops are closed in the afternoon of one day each week. The day is usually Wednesday or Thursday and it is often a different day in different town. Few shops are open on Sundays. People cannot buy most things on Sundays. Newspaper stands are open in the morning and sell sweets and cigarettes besides newspapers and magazines.

Vocabulary 词汇

open a./v. 开门

close v. 关门

closed a. 关闭的

large a. 大的

lunchtime n. 午餐时间

Thursday n. 星期四

Friday n. 星期五

Wednesday n. 星期三

stand n. (售货)摊

sweet n. 甜食(糖、巧克力等);糖果

cigarette n. 香烟;卷烟

besides prep. 除了……之外(还有)

magazine n. 杂志