Unit 1 Hello! Nice to Meet You
Unit 2 Are You Mrs. Green?
Unit 3 Where Are You from?
Unit 4 What’s This in English?
Unit 5 What Are They?
Unit 6 What Time Is It?
Unit 7 People
Unit 8 Housing
Unit 9 Office
Unit 10 Daily Routines
学习内容 >> 第二章 >> 朗读翻译
Dialogue 1 对话1

(Gao Lin meets Susan Green at the airport.)

— Excuse me. Are you Mrs. Green?

— No, I am not.

— Sorry.

— That's all right.

Vocabulary 词汇

meet v. 迎接;见面;遇见

Mrs. n. ……夫人

at prep. 

airport n. 机场

excuse v. 原谅

me pron.  我(I的宾格)

no ad. 不

not ad. 

sorry a. 对不起

that pron. 那;那个

all ad. 完全

right a. 对的;正确的

Proper names 专业名词

Green 格林(姓氏)

Susan 苏珊(女名)

Dialogue 2 对话2

— Mrs. Green is from America?

— That’s right, Susan Green.

— How do you do, Mrs. Green? I’m Gao Lin from Changcheng Company. Welcome to China!

— How do you do, Miss Gao? Very nice to meet you.

— Nice to meet you, too. This way, please.

— Thank you.

Vocabulary 词汇

from prep. 从;来自……

can v. 能;会

do v.aux.,v. [构成疑问句, 无实义];做

welcome v.,a. 欢迎;受欢迎的

to prep. 到;去;向

company n.  公司

Miss n. 小姐

very ad. 非常;十分;很

way n. 道路


Proper names 专业名词

America 美国(国名)