Unit 1 Hello! Nice to Meet You
Unit 2 Are You Mrs. Green?
Unit 3 Where Are You from?
Unit 4 What’s This in English?
Unit 5 What Are They?
Unit 6 What Time Is It?
Unit 7 People
Unit 8 Housing
Unit 9 Office
Unit 10 Daily Routines
学习内容 >> 第十章 >> 朗读翻译
Text A 课文A

Paul’s Work 保罗的工作

My name is John Paul. My job is to sell computers. I work hard. Every morning I get up at seven. I do some exercises and have a light breakfast. Then I drive to my office. It takes me forty minutes to drive there. My office is in New York, but I travel to other places every month. I go to visit people and people come to visit me. I travel to a lot of cities in the USA, and many foreign countries like China, Japan and India. I meet and have business talks with many people from different places. I make a lot of phone calls. I am very busy, but I enjoy my work because it is very interesting and exciting and I can see much of the world at the same time.

Vocabulary 词汇

daily a. 每日的

routine n./a. 例行公事;常规;例行的;常规的

sell v.  卖;售

hard ad. 努力的;辛苦的

exercise n. 练习;锻炼

light a. (指餐食)简单的

breakfast n. 早餐

then ad. 那么;然后

forty num. 四十

drive v. 开车

foreign a. 外国的;外来的

like prep. 诸如……

business n. 生意

talk n. 商谈

make v. 制造;做

call n./v. 打电话;喊;叫

busy a. 忙碌的

enjoy v. 喜欢;享受……的乐趣

exciting a. 激动人心的

much pron./ad. 许多;非常

world n. 世界


Proper names 专业名词

John 约翰(男名)

New York 纽约(城市名)

USA 美国(国家名)

India 印度(国家名)

Dialogue 对话

When Is Your Birthday?

— When is your birthday?

— It’s on Match 5th.

— Mine is on July 24th. It’s in summer.

— What’s the date today?

— It’s October 15th.

— Oh, next Wednesday is Anna’s birthday. Let’s go and buy a present for her.

— Ok, let’s go.

Vocabulary 词汇

birthday n. 生日

March n. 三月

spring n. 春天

yours pron. 你的东西;你们的东西

mine pron. 我的东西

summer n.  夏天

July n. 七月

date n. 日期

October n. 十月

present n. 礼物

fifth=5th num. 第五

twenty-fourth=24th num. 第24

fifteenth=15th num. 第15


Text B 课文B

My Daily Routines 我的日常工作和生活


From Monday to Friday each week, I usually get up at 7:00a.m.. After I wash up, I get dressed quickly. I have breakfast at 7:40a.m.. For breakfast, I have two pieces of bread with a cup of coffee. I leave for school at 8:00 a.m.. I usually walk to the office, but when the weather is bad, I take the subway. I have lunch at 1:00 p.m.. School finishes at 4:25p.m.. After school, I work as a waiter from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.. When I get home after work hour, I have just enough time to do my homework before I go to bed at 12:00 midnight. Oh, by the way, I also work on weekends.

Vocabulary 词汇

each a. (指两个或两个以上人、物等的)每一个

a.m., A.M., am 早晨;上午

week n.  星期;周

after prep. 在……之后

wash v. 洗

wash up 洗手(脸)

dress v. 穿戴

quickly ad. 迅速地

piece n. (一)片;(一)块

bread n. 面包

cup n. 茶杯

coffee n. 咖啡

leave v. 离开

weather n. 天气

subway n. 地铁

p.m., P.M., pm 下午

school n. 学校

finish v. 完成;结束

as prep. 作为;像……一样

hour n. 小时

just ad. 仅仅;恰好

enough a. 足够的

homework n. 家庭作业

before prep. 在……之前

midnight n. 半夜;午夜

weekend n. 周末