Unit 1 Hello! Nice to Meet You
Unit 2 Are You Mrs. Green?
Unit 3 Where Are You from?
Unit 4 What’s This in English?
Unit 5 What Are They?
Unit 6 What Time Is It?
Unit 7 People
Unit 8 Housing
Unit 9 Office
Unit 10 Daily Routines
学习内容 >> 第八章 >> 朗读翻译
Text A 课文A

Lucy’s Flat 露茜的公寓

Lucy is from Spain. She is in London now. This is her flat. It is on the third floor of a building in Rose Street. The bright bedroom faces south with big windows. Next to the bedroom is her living room. Between the bedroom and the living room is the small kitchen. There is a bathroom as well.


The flat is near her office. It’s about 10 minutes’ walk. She often goes to work on foot. But when it is bad, she takes a bus. It is a nice and comfortable flat.

Vocabulary 词汇

housing n. 住房;住宅

flat n. 一套公寓房间

live v. 居住;生活

third num. 第三

floor n. 楼层;地板;室内之地

building n. 建筑物;楼房

bright a. 明亮的

bedroom n. 卧室;寝室

face v. 面对;面向

south n. 南方

big a. 大的

window n. 窗户

living room 起居室;客厅

next a. 下一个

between prep. 在……之间

them pron. (宾格)他(她、它)们

small a. 小的

kitchen n.  厨房

bathroom n. 卫生间;盥洗室

near prep. 在……附近

about prep. 大约

walk v.n. 步行;走路

often ad. 经常

work v. 工作

foot n. 脚

but ad. 但是

when ad.conj. 当……时

bad a. 坏的

take v. 乘(车);拿

comfortable a. 舒适的

Proper names 专业名词

Spain 西班牙(国家名)

London 伦敦(城市名)

Rose Street 玫瑰街(地名)


Dialogue 对话

A Nice Sweater

Bill: Oh, you have a nice sweater!

Jane: Yes. I like its colors.

Bill: I like the colors, too. We can see red, green, yellow, purple, blue, and grey.

Jane: Let me count the colors — one, two, three… There are six colors.

Bill: It looks great. I want a sweater like this.

Vocabulary 词汇

sweater n. 毛衣

let v. 

green a. 绿色的

yellow a. 黄色的

purple a. 紫色的

grey/gray a.  灰色的

count v. 数;点数

great a. 特别好的;棒的

want v. 想(要)


Text B 课文B

Bill’s Home 比尔的家


Hello, my name is Bill White. There are four people in my family. They are my father, my mother, my sister and I.


We live in a house with two stories. The three bedrooms are on the second floor. I have a small bedroom. In my bedroom there is a big bed, a desk and two chairs. They are all yellow. There is a clock and two pictures on the wall. There aren’t any toys in it. It is really a nice bedroom. On the first floor is the sitting room, dining room and kitchen. Behind our house is a small garden. There are many red flowers in the garden. But there aren’t any trees in it.

Vocabulary 词汇

home n. 

story n. 故事

second num. 第二

bed n. 

desk n. 桌子

chair n. 椅子

clock n. 时钟

wall n. 

any pron. 任何

toy n. 玩具

really ad. 真正地

behind prep. 在...后面

garden n. 花园

flower n.