Unit 1 Hello! Nice to Meet You
Unit 2 Are You Mrs. Green?
Unit 3 Where Are You from?
Unit 4 What’s This in English?
Unit 5 What Are They?
Unit 6 What Time Is It?
Unit 7 People
Unit 8 Housing
Unit 9 Office
Unit 10 Daily Routines
学习内容 >> 第九章 >> 朗读翻译
Text A 课文A

My Office 我的办公室

I can concentrate on my work and feel comfortable at the same time in my office. I have all the necessary equipment on my desk. I have the telephone next to the fax on the right side of my desk. My computer is in the center of my desk with the monitor in front of me. There are some pictures of my family between the computer and the telephone. I also have a lamp near my computer. My photocopier is beside the door. In the room there is a comfortable office chair, an armchair and a sofa. In front of the sofa is a low tea table.

Vocabulary 词汇

concentrate v. 集中;聚集;浓缩

feel v. 感觉;觉得

necessary  a. 必需的;必要的

equipment n. 设备

fax n. 传真机;传真

right a. 右边

side n. 边;面

computer n. 计算机;电脑

center n. 中心;中央;中心区

monitor n. 显示器

also ad. 也

lamp n. 

telephone n. 电话

photocopier n. 复印机

beside prep. 在……旁边

armchair n. 扶手椅

sofa  n. 沙发

low a. 低的;浅的

tea table 茶几


Dialogue 对话

How Can I Get to the Bank?

— Excuse me, sir.

— Yes? What can I do for you?

— Is there a bank near here?

— Yes, there is.

— How can I get there?

— Go straight on and turn left at the first traffic light. It’s a tall white building.

— Thank you.

— You are welcome.

Vocabulary 词汇

get v. 到达

sir n. 先生;阁下

straight ad. 径直地;连续不断地

turn v. 转向……

left ad. 朝左;在左

trafficlight 交通灯

tall a. 高的

white a. 白色的

building n. 建筑物


Text B 课文B

A Typical Manager’s Desk 一张典型的经理办公桌


Managers’ desks are often empty! Why? Managers often travel and are not in the office most time. Sometimes you can see footmarks on the desk. Some managers like to put their feet on the desk when they talk on the phone. Maybe they want to show their power in the company with the clean empty desks or these footmarks. Managers usually have laptop computers on their desks. It is their true “desk”. Most of the managers do their work on laptops now.

Vocabulary 词汇

typical a. 典型的

manager n. 经理

often ad. 经常

most a. 大多数;大部分

empty a. 空的

sometimes ad. 有时候

footmark n. 脚印

put v. 放

foot n. 脚(单数)

feet n. 脚(复数)

talk v. 谈话;说话

maybe ad. 可能;也许

show v. 显示;表示

power n. 权力

usually ad. 通常

laptop n. 手提式电脑

true a. 真正的

now ad. 现在