Unit 1 Hello! Nice to Meet You
Unit 2 Are You Mrs. Green?
Unit 3 Where Are You from?
Unit 4 What’s This in English?
Unit 5 What Are They?
Unit 6 What Time Is It?
Unit 7 People
Unit 8 Housing
Unit 9 Office
Unit 10 Daily Routines
学习内容 >> 第九章 >> 课文讲解
Text A

My Office

I can concentrate on my work and feel comfortable at the same time in my office. I have all the necessary equipment on my desk. I have the telephone next to the fax on the right side of my desk. My computer is in the center of my desk with the monitor in front of me. There are some pictures of my family between the computer and the telephone. I also have a lamp near my computer. My photocopier is beside the door. In the room there is a comfortable office chair, an armchair and a sofa. In front of the sofa is a low tea table.

Exercises for Text A


1. How does the author feel in his office?

2. What does he have on his desk?

3. Where are some pictures of his family?

4. Is there any armchair and sofa?

5. Where is the low tea table?


1. The author feels comfortable in his office.

2. He has all the necessary equipment on his desk.

3. They are between the computer and the phone.

4. Yes, there is a sofa and an armchair.

5. It is in front of the sofa.

II. 将下列短语译成英语。

1.集中注意力于……      2.在电脑和电话之间

3.感到舒适          4.一张办公桌

5.同时            6.一台传真机

7.在门旁边          8.在……隔壁,紧邻……


1. concentrate on       2. between the computer and the phone

3. feel comfortable      4. a desk

5. at the same time      6. a fax

7. beside the door      8. next to


III. 将下列祈使句译成英语。

1. 你能在聊天(chat) 的同时集中注意力工作吗?

Can you concentrate on your work while chatting with someone?

2. 我公司有娱乐(entertainment)所需的所有设备。

There is all the necessary equipment for entertainment in my company.

3. 这个房间里有很多舒适的沙发和椅子。

There are many comfortable sofas and chairs in this room.

4. 那家商场(department store)在市中心。

The department store is in the center of the city.

5. 我的办公室里有一些我朋友们的照片,就在书桌和沙发之间的矮茶几上。

There are many pictures of my friends in my office. They are on the low tea table between the desk and the sofa.


How Can I Get to the Bank?

— Excuse me, sir.

— Yes? What can I do for you?

— Is there a bank near here?

— Yes, there is.

— How can I get there?

— Go straight on and turn left at the first traffic light. It’s a tall white building.

— Thank you.

— You are welcome.

Text B

A Typical Manager’s Desk

Managers’ desks are often empty! Why? Managers often travel and are not in the office most time. Sometimes you can see footmarks on the desk. Some managers like to put their feet on the desk when they talk on the phone. Maybe they want to show their power in the company with the clean empty desks or these footmarks. Managers usually have laptop computers on their desks. It is their true “desk”. Most of the managers do their work on laptops now.

Exercises for Text B


1. Why are managers’ desks often empty?

2. What do some managers do when they talk on the phone?

3. What do clean empty desks and footmarks on the desks mean (意味着)according to the author (根据作者的看法)?

4. What do most managers work with now?

5. What are their true “desks”?


1. They often travel and most of the time they are not in the office.

2. They like to put their feet on the desks.

3. They want to show their power in this way.

4. They work with their laptops now.

5. The laptops are their true “desks”.

II. 将下列短语译成英语。

1.大多数时间        2.手提式电脑

3.把……放在……上面    4.桌上的脚印

5.做工作          6.经理办公室


1. most (of the) time     2. a laptop

3. puton …      4. footmarks on the desk

5. do one’s job      6. a manager’s desk / managers’ desk(s)


I. 特殊疑问句(wh – question)

以疑问词开头的疑问句叫特殊疑问句。疑问句有两类,一类是疑问代词,另一类是疑问副词。疑问代词有what, who, whom, which, whose 等,疑问副词有when , where, why, how 等。特殊疑问句的语序在大多数情况下和一般疑问句是一样的,只是疑问词要放在句首。例如:

Where are you from? (你来自哪里?)

What is this? (这是什么?)


Who teaches them English?(谁教他们英语?)

Whose book is on the desk?(谁的书在桌子上?)

How many people live in this room?(这间屋子住多少人?)




Do you speak English ?

Yes, I do.

No, I don’t.

Is he a journalist?

Yes, he is.

No, he isn’t.
Can you spell the word? Yes, I can. No, I can’t.
Is there a book in your bag? Yes, there is. No, there isn’t.

II. 介词的用法(一)

介词+名词构成介词短语。介词短语作定语修饰名词,表示所有关系、地点、时间、特征等。介词短语需放在被修饰名词的后面。例如:the computers in the office (办公室里的电脑);a garden in front of the house(屋前的花园)。







The pen is in the bag. (笔在包里。)



He is at the bus stop.(他在车站。)



The computer is between the sofa and the TV.(电脑在沙发和电视之间。)



I am from China.(我来自中国。)



His house is near his office.(他家在他办公室附近。)

next to


The office is next to the bus stop.(办公室在汽车站隔壁。)



The book is on the desk.(书在桌上。)



The letter is from Tom to Fanny.(这封信是汤姆寄给范妮的。)

in front of


There are many trees in front of the house.(房前有很多数。)

out of


The dog is out of the room.(小狗从房间里出来了。)



The school is across the street.(学校在街道对面。)



There are many flowers around the house.(房子周围有很多花。)


III. 冠词的用法(一)


冠词本身不能独立使用。冠词可分为定冠词(the)和不定冠词(a/an)。不定冠词a 用于以辅音开头(指读音不指字母)的词前面,an 用于以元音开头(指读音不指字母)的词前面。例如:a friend, an egg。冠词的用法如下:

1.不定冠词a/an 表示“一个”这一数量概念,意思与one 相似。如:

There’s a pen on the desk.(桌子上有一支笔。)

但是,除表示“一个”这一数量外,很多情况下a 与可数名词放在一起泛指一类事物。例如:I need a pencil now.(我现在需要支铅笔。)[不确指哪支铅笔]。


National Day is a two-day holiday.(国庆节是一个两天的假期。)

We have only one day left to finish the task.(我们只剩下一天时间来完成这个任务。)


The apples are two yuan a kilogram.(这些苹果每公斤2元钱。)

Tom drives a car at 60 miles an hour.(汤姆以每小时60英里的速度开车。)

I go back home once a month.(我每月回家一次。)

4.不定冠词用于单数可数名词前,泛指一个人的职业、国籍、宗教等。 如:

He is a Christian.(他是个基督徒。)

My friend, Asaku, is a Japanese. (我的朋友Asaku是个日本人。)


A Smith is their guide.(一个叫史密斯的人是他们的导游。)

A man is at the office.(一个男人在办公室。)

6.不定冠词aan 和某些物质名词连用时表示“一种”或“一份”。如:

It’s a wonderful coffee.(这是一种很好的咖啡。)

I want an ice-cream.(我要一份冰淇淋。)


in a word(总而言之)   take a walk(散步)   at a time (一次)


…There is a manager in the room. The manager is Jim’s uncle.



I. 就下列各句的划线部分提问。


Who is your partner(搭档)?

Sam is my partner.

1. _________________________________?

His name is Jack.

2. _________________________________?

I’m in the office.

3. _________________________________?

She is 20.

4. _________________________________?

He’s from Shanghai.

5. _________________________________?

I can speak English and Chinese.

6. _________________________________?

It’s Mr. Smith’s bag.

7. _________________________________?

It’s 7:20.

8. _________________________________?

It’s yellow.

9. _________________________________?

There is one person in the bus.

10. ________________________________?

Two girls are in the room.

11. ________________________________?

I’m fine. Thank you.

12. ________________________________?

It’s on the right side of the traffic light.


1. What’s his name?

2. Where are you?

3. How old is she?

4. Where is he from?

5. What / Which language can you speak?

6. Whose bag is it?

7. What time is it?

8. What color is it?

9. How many people are there in the bus?

10. Who is in the room?

11. How are you?

12. Where is it?


II. 用适当的介词词组填空,完成下列句子。

1. There are two men _______________________(在办公室里).

2. Some flowers are _______________________(在桌子上).

3. I have a computer _______________________(在传真机旁边).

4. His house is ________________________ (在我家隔壁).

5. Who is the girl ____________________(在你们中间).

6. Please sit _________________________(在桌子右边).

7. A white building is __________________(在我们面前).

8. The low tea table is __________________(在沙发和围椅之间).


1. in the office       2. on the desk

3. beside the fax machine   4. next to ours

5. among you       6. on the right side of the table

7. in front of us       8. between the sofa and the armchair.


II. 用正确的冠词填空。

1. She is _______________English girl.

2. This is the picture of ___________________doctor. There are many people in____________ picture.

3. I want ___________________ ice cream.

4. China is ________________Asian (亚洲)country and Britain is ______________European (欧洲的)country.

5. I am reading(读)__________novel(小说). It is __________interesting book.


1. an     2. a, the

3. an     4. an, a

5. a, an